The Employees' Wish List:
4 Work Benefits that Employees Desire

More and more employees are leaving their jobs. The University of Birmingham reports that 6.5 million workers plan on quitting in the next year. However, their reasons for doing so are not only centred on pay. Rather, many are in search of tech jobs that will provide better benefits, satisfaction, and balance.

In fact, a good number of these workers are switching jobs or companies for better benefits. Having a huge number of quitting employees will negatively impact a business through lower productivity and overworked remaining employees.

To prevent this, companies must implement improvements to the benefits they offer. If you're unsure where to start, fortunately, we have a few ideas for you!

Flexible or Remote Work

As previously mentioned, balance is one thing employees, especially those in independent jobs like programming, want in their jobs. One of the ways this can be achieved is by allowing flexible or remote working conditions. This way, they can have more flexibility in choosing which days to come in and what hours they can work. Also, it allows them to spend more time on other commitments such as family and interests.

Work from home professional James Gonzales highlights how employees are even more productive at home, as long as their employers lay out expectations and ground rules. For example, be sure to inform them that they have to be online at certain hours if you need them to be. Overall, as long as you leave employees to their own devices, they're going to be happier — and more productive — for it.

Diversity in Work

In our article 'A Perfect IT Company - What Attracts IT Specialists?', diversity is one of the benefits employees consider. This includes the option to change tasks and projects, as well as try and improve their skills in new directions. Some reasons behind the desire for this benefit are to stay creative and improve at problem-solving.
To implement this change, make sure to give workers opportunities to choose their tasks or projects. Advise managers and team leaders as well to delegate different tasks to their members regularly. Including diversity in the workplace in terms of tasks will ensure employees that their jobs are not redundant and that they will continue learning new things in their field.

Travel and Lifestyle Benefits

Jobs in tech are neither stress-free nor easy. Therefore, while employees are given time off or vacation leaves, it's important that they receive assistance in terms of spending this time away from work. Travel and lifestyle benefits restore life-work balance, increasing workers' satisfaction.

Chief people and diversity officer Jennifer Strauel emphasises looking for other ways to reward workers is key to retaining and even attracting employees. Specifically, in terms of travel and lifestyle, this will help them better enjoy their time off and come back more productive and refreshed.

As such, assist your employees in enrolling in a class of their interest or taking up a new hobby. Additionally, consider bonuses and rewards to be given in the form of travel credits or points so they can use these during their vacation.

Inclusive Benefits

Every person has their own set of needs. For example, senior tech employees may need assistance with their finances as they prepare for retirement. On the other hand, a young developer may need more time off to take care of a growing family. The point here is to offer benefits to employees based on their unique needs.

People Management believes that employee benefits must answer to each individual worker's situation. Employers must take into consideration their situation and make offers accordingly. Another example is to offer middle-aged female-bodied employees menopause leave. To do this, regularly keep in touch with every worker and ask them what their needs are and the specific benefits they would like to receive. Being inclusive shows that you care about them individually, as a person and an employee, motivating them to stay.

As many employees seek better job benefits and conditions, employers must ensure that they meet their standards to prevent them from quitting. Implement these benefits today to retain employees and potentially attract talent.

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Jacqueline Bailey
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