IT Staffing in Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe has long been a haven for finding IT specialists: there is a large pool of highly qualified developers, engineers, and other IT specialists who can solve problems of any complexity.

Today, we will talk about the advantages of hiring IT specialists from Eastern Europe and share tips on how and where to find the best candidates.

What Regions are Included?

We all have a general idea of which countries are considered Eastern Europe. However, to make sure we’re on the same page, let’s list the usual countries:
  • Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus
  • The Baltic countries: Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.
  • Central Europe: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Slovenia.
  • Southeast Europe: Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Albania.
  • Transcaucasia: Georgia and Armenia.
Looking beyond the map, we also consider Eastern Europe through a cultural lens. Due to shared historical experiences, traditions, and values, these countries often have similar approaches to recruitment.

Hiring Advantages

  • High level of qualification
    One significant benefit is the high quality of education in many Eastern European countries. This robust educational system provides students with in-depth knowledge of mathematics, science, and computer science. Additionally, education is mostly free, making it accessible to a wide range of people.
  • Large Pool of Specialists
    Eastern Europe has over a million IT specialists, allowing companies to find candidates with the necessary skills and experience. Moreover, due to its popularity and demand, this number continues to grow every year.
  • Tax System
    Many countries in the region offer an attractive tax system, making them highly appealing to IT professionals and companies seeking to hire them remotely. Take Georgia, for example, where the tax rate for individual entrepreneurs is only 1%. Since February 2022, many experienced specialists have relocated to the country, legalised their status, and established individual businesses. It has allowed companies to hire talented specialists from this region while offering them more competitive salaries due to the significant tax savings.
    However, when hiring specialists in Western Europe, companies face higher taxes, preventing them from offering candidates similar beneficial conditions.
  • High Motivation
    IT specialists from Eastern European countries with unstable political and economic conditions often prioritise opportunities from foreign companies. They see these opportunities as a path to stability and a better quality of life. It is why many seek positions with relocation but are also open to remote work.
  • Cultural Proximity
    It’s no secret that Chinese programmers consistently rank among the best in the world, according to statistics. However, integrating them into international teams can be challenging due to cultural differences and mindsets. Eastern European IT specialists, on the other hand, excel at adapting to international teams: shared cultural and value similarities with Western Europe streamline team integration.
  • English Proficiency
    Unlike specialists from China, many Eastern European IT specialists speak English proficiently. This language proficiency makes them an attractive option for employers building international teams.

More Than Just Words

Specialists from Eastern Europe have repeatedly proven their high level of training by participating in various online competitions and making it to various top lists.
  • For example, in the overall TopCoder competition, participants from Russia, Poland, and Ukraine entered the top ten.
  • According to the SkillValue portal, the best developers are in Moldova, Ukraine, and Romania.
Fintech industry: tech recruiting. IT recruitment agency Lucky Hunter
  • A few years ago, HackerRank conducted an online test for developers globally, and specialists from Russia, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic were among the top 10.
Fintech industry: tech recruiting. IT recruitment agency Lucky Hunter

Hiring Features

Experienced IT specialists from this region are in high demand in the international market. Although they are not "cheap labour", their services are still more affordable than those of their colleagues in the US and Western Europe.
So, how to attract specialists, and what features to pay attention to?

1. Speed

At Lucky Hunter, we have extensive experience working on the international market and consistently witness the longer hiring cycles in Western companies. Due to their intricate internal processes, closing vacancies often takes 3 to 6 months.
However, specialists from Eastern Europe are accustomed to a faster hiring pace.
  • Lucky Hunter recruiters successfully placed a candidate in 4 days.
Therefore, if your company’s hiring process isn’t as streamlined, it’s crucial to maintain regular communication with potential candidates to ensure they feel valued and engaged.

2. No Test Tasks

Leading companies are increasingly ditching test assignments in favour of live coding. Many mid-level and senior IT specialists hesitate to dedicate personal time to lengthy test assignments.
Live coding, on the other hand, offers a more efficient and effective way to assess their technical skills. So, if your recruiting process feels a bit outdated, consider streamlining it and focus on more modern candidate evaluation tools.
Still in doubt about the test assignment?

Learn more in the article.

3. Resume

While resume design and updates may not always be a top priority for specialists from Eastern Europe, what truly matters is the content, not the aesthetics. Focus on their experience and skills, as these are the factors determining a candidate’s suitability.

4. Financial Details

In this region, it’s common for job postings to list salaries "after-tax" (net pay) and to openly discuss compensation during the initial interview stages rather than waiting until the final offer.

Where to Look For Them?

When you’re looking to hire talented individuals, you might be wondering where to start your search. The truth is, there’s no universal answer, as the methods and tools of search will vary depending on the region and country. However, here are a few popular options to consider:

Job Boards

Here are some popular job posting sites in Eastern Europe:
While HeadHunter is popular in Eastern Europe, it’s not an effective tool for finding IT specialists. Here at Lucky Hunter, we consider Telegram and LinkedIn more beneficial channels.


Telegram has long been, and remains, the go-to platform for finding Russian-speaking IT specialists. Unlike Western European specialists who prefer email for formal communication, Russian-speaking specialists feel right at home using the popular messenger. The reason is that Telegram has become a hub for the IT community to connect, share ideas, and exchange insights.
  • We talked about how to search for IT specialists in Telegram in the article.
Also, as simple as it sounds, don’t underestimate the power of good old LinkedIn.

IT Recruitment Agencies that Understand the Market

Finding the right IT specialist in Eastern Europe can be tricky. You need to understand the market, use the right channels, and know what language to use to communicate effectively. That’s where Lucky Hunter can help.
We offer:
  • 1
    Extensive experience: with over 7 years of experience in IT recruitment and navigating international markets, we understand the complexities and intricacies
  • 2
    Full support: We support clients and candidates throughout the entire process, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.
  • 3
    32 search channels, including our own candidate database – we know where to look for the best IT specialists.
  • 4
    Adequate cooperation: we will find the perfect fit for your needs, someone who meets your must-have requirements and falls within your budget.
Fill out the form on our website – we will find a top IT specialist for your company.

Alexandra Godunova
Content Manager in Lucky Hunter
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