Tips on Writing
a Compelling Job Description

Is your goal to hire a talented IT specialist for your company? Do you want to do it quickly and efficiently? It is not impossible if you know how to organise your processes, from compelling job descriptions to job offers. Today, we will talk about the first step to success – a job description.

It might seem simple: you provide information about your company, list the requirements and responsibilities, and highlight the working conditions. After that, you publish it and wait for the applicants. However, if you don't receive enough responses, we are ready to share some tips to help you improve your results.

Job Description

The description of your company is the first thing a candidate sees once they encounter the job description. It should be informative, catchy and brief.

1. Avoid Cliches

Many HR managers and leaders often make a pivotal mistake when describing their company. They tend to rely on cliches and vague statements like, "We are a dynamic and innovative company" and "Our team comprises top-level professionals with over 20 years of experience creating groundbreaking products."

Unfortunately, such overused phrases provide little concrete information to prospective candidates. These generic statements clutter the text with unnecessary words, ultimately diverting candidates' attention from your job opening.
What can you say instead? Provide useful details!

Offer specific and detailed insights to attract and engage potential candidates. Is your company a startup, a compact web studio, or a well-established brand? How many offices does your company maintain, and where are they situated? Does your team include exceptional individuals who can serve as mentors? What are their backgrounds? Have you recently initiated an exciting startup project? What does this venture involve?
Information concerning the company's size, team composition, and ongoing projects is of paramount interest to IT specialists. Moreover, such detailed information sets your job listing apart from the rest and ensures that it is genuinely informative and captivating to prospective candidates.

2. Personalise Job Descriptions

The second critical error is the creation of a one-size-fits-all job description. Imagine if you're looking for middle and senior PHP developers at the same time. The diverse experience level necessitates different requirements.

Middle-level IT specialists typically prioritise career growth and advancement opportunities, while senior-level candidates focus primarily on the project, including aspects like the technology stack, legacy, and architecture. Attempting to craft a generic job description that caters to both groups can result in failing to capture the interest of either.
Create multiple job descriptions tailored to specific candidate profiles and personalise each description accordingly.

3. Be More Concise

The third significant misstep is an excess of text. While your company may boast of achievements, a track record of numerous startup launches, and a team full of exceptional talent, it's essential to consider the limited time a candidate has to spare. Will they invest their valuable time reading a lengthy document, or is it more likely they will swiftly close the page or delete your email?

Picture this scenario: you have precisely 10 seconds to pique a candidate's interest. What concise and compelling information can you convey in that brief period?

4. Clarify Job Responsibilities

It's essential to recognise that the list of duties isn't just a checklist; it represents what the candidate will be doing over an extended period. The way you describe these tasks impacts a candidate's decision to consider your job opening. Consider this: would a candidate be more interested in generic "software development" or the opportunity to actively contribute to the design and creation of their own .NET data architecture?

Let's take it further and provide potential candidates with compelling reasons for these tasks. When specialists understand the purpose behind their work, they are more likely to be motivated and eager to excel. After all, few individuals are satisfied with monotonous, routine tasks when the underlying goals remain unclear.

5. Highlight Unique Skills

Usually, specifying job requirements doesn't pose a challenge; you list the skills a candidate should possess. However, here's a piece of advice: refrain from emphasising the obvious. For instance, if you're hiring a .NET developer, it's a given that they should know C#. Similarly, for a PHP developer, proficiency in working with databases is fundamental. In such cases, there's little need to state these skills.
Instead, consider spotlighting the distinctive or specialised skills that set your ideal candidates apart.

Your job description is now complete! It will draw in top-tier candidates right from the initial job posting. As a final touch, please include details about your working environment, and if possible, consider offering enticing benefits such as educational courses, training opportunities, the potential for business trips to Europe, and, ideally, the option for remote work. These conditions rank among the most appealing in the IT industry.

Looking to fill the job opening? Contact Lucky Hunter! We specialise in preparing standout job descriptions, delivering the first relevant CVs within just four working days, conducting interviews, and assisting you in securing top-notch IT specialists in record time!

Alexandra Godunova
Content Manager in Lucky Hunter
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