Do not limit yourself to just one resource: for example, if you are looking for a job in Eastern Europe, use thematic channels in Telegram messenger — job openings are often published there with a recruiter's contact for a direct response. By the way, job openings of international companies can also be found, so do not underestimate the power of Telegram :) Moreover, some channels put vacancies for junior talents in a separate category, which further makes the search process much easier.
LinkedIn remains a timeless classic: regularly maintain your page, do not forget to update the status on “open to work”, which will help recruiters to understand that you are ready to consider offers. Do not forget to describe the key hard skills, attach a portfolio, if any, add information about completed courses and the certificates — this can add points to you in the eyes of a potential employer.
If you have little work experience or internship, also be sure to indicate this in your profile, not forgetting to write what tasks you have solved.
Various job boards (for example, Indeed among English-language resources) is what you can and should also use when searching.