Which Group is More Productive: Remote Workers
or Office Employees?

In May-June 2023, we at Lucky Hunter, conducted a research study on the topic: "Which group is more productive: remote workers or office employees?" We asked professionals to provide insights into their work settings, factors influencing productivity, and other aspects. Today, we are excited to share the results of our research!

Who did We Survey

We surveyed professionals who work both from home and from the office to gather their opinions. The respondents consisted of 78% men and 22% women. The findings showed that 67.1% of those surveyed work remotely, 9.4% work exclusively in an office, and 23.4% follow a hybrid work format.

Opinions on Remote Work

We wanted to know what our respondents appreciate about working from home. Over the past three years, many professionals have switched to remote work and had the chance to weigh the pros and cons of this arrangement. It turns out that the most significant advantage is the saved time from not having to commute to the office. Other benefits include the ability to personalise the workspace and enjoy home-cooked meals.
As for the drawbacks of remote work, those surveyed pointed out that they face interruptions from children (26%), get distracted by reading the news (24.7%), and deal with noisy neighbours (24.3%).
Moreover, we discovered that remote workers manage to perform their job tasks during the workday but also handle cooking, cleaning, childcare, and dog walks.
Working from home has a positive impact on people's emotional well-being: the majority of respondents find the cosy environment (75.7%) and the opportunity for walks (63%) as the main positive factors.
Despite all the positive aspects of remote work, respondents do not have a clear-cut answer to whether they would prefer to work in-house. Opinions are divided: 29.8% responded negatively, while 28.9% responded positively.

Office vs Remote Work

The most significant advantage of working in an office is the opportunity to interact with colleagues in real-time (84.8%) and break away from the routine of home life (69.7%).

In an office setting, employees can easily socialise, exchange ideas, and build close working relationships.
Nevertheless, similar to remote work, there are several distractions that can negatively affect productivity. 51.5% responded that colleagues are the primary source of distraction, along with coffee breaks and frequent meetings.
Do you think people in the office only focus on work? Well, think again – apart from their direct responsibilities, employees find time to check social media and attend to personal matters.
Professionals working in the office (81.8%) state that communication with colleagues and the overall work environment has a positive impact on their emotional well-being.
When asked if they would like to work from home, the majority of respondents (42.4%) lean towards answering "probably not."
65.9% enjoy working in a hybrid schedule, while only 9% prefer a full-time office setup.
However, not everyone is willing to fully transition to remote work; only 15.9% confidently responded "yes" to this possibility.

Final Verdict

Are employees more productive when working remotely?
Does remote work boost work motivation?
Does working from home relax employees?

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Alexandra Godunova
Content Manager in Lucky Hunter
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