How to Search for IT Talents on LinkedIn

Tips from the IT recruitment agency Lucky Hunter
LinkedIn has long taken its rightful place in the ranking of always relevant tools for IT recruiters. This is deserved because this social network was not only designed for networking and finding new business contacts, whether colleagues or potential candidates, but also has several convenient services for recruiters.

Therefore, today our tech recruitment agency tells how an IT recruiter can organize an effective recruitment of tech talents and search for developers on LinkedIn.

Don't Add Too Many New Contacts
Per Day

LinkedIn offers the opportunity to purchase premium access (which is especially important for recruiters), but even taking into account the fact that the limit for adding new connections there is increased compared to the basic functionality, there is a risk of getting your account blocked for some time. It has been proven experimentally that this, unfortunately, does happen — the best way to avoid this is not to get too carried away with making your friendlist bigger, even if using the paid version.

Allow Candidates to Apply
for Job Openings on LinkedIn

Many developers simply forget to switch on the “open to work” icon, but at the same time, they may be actively looking for a new job. Even if the candidate is in the passive search and does not actively consider proposals, you can still try to start a dialogue — it is quite possible that they will be interested in the vacancy.

Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn has quite a lot of recruiting and job placement groups in many IT industries, from game development to software development: post your vacancies there.

Use InMail Carefully

As LinkedIn notes in its Recruiter Mail Policy, you should not use InMail for mass mailings, invitations to various events, and for marketing campaigns. Recruiters usually do not launch marketing campaigns, but it is better to pay attention to the point of mass mailings and not abuse it. The best option is to wait for the candidate to confirm the addition and start a dialogue. Even if you write to many candidates and have some kind of template, think about how to adjust it so that it can be adapted to each recipient, and there is no feeling that this is just a mass mailing.

Post Job Openings on Your Page

As a rule, recruiters quickly gain 500+ connections, i.e., a fairly voluminous friendlist. This can and should be used: make it a rule to post posts with vacancies not only in specialized LinkedIn groups but also regularly update your page. Ask the feed to share the post — this will increase the number of people who see it, among whom there may be potential candidates for whom it will be relevant.

Use LinkedIn-compatible Extensions

For example, it may be an extension of your CRM system in which you lead candidates. If the professional has indicated their willingness to continue the dialogue and has consented to the preservation of their data, you can immediately add them to the CRM with a minimum of effort: as a rule, many CRM offer browser extensions, using which you can not fill in the candidate's information manually, but automatically add it from LinkedIn. A great time saver for a recruiter, which can be spent on recruiting :)

Now go ahead — conquer the horizons of LinkedIn!

If you need tech recruitment, our IT recruitment agency will be happy to help. Leave a request and our experts will contact you soon to coordinate the call!

Polina Barabanova
Content Manager in Lucky Hunter
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