How to Search for Tech Specialists in Telegram

We often write in our articles: search for specialists in Telegram: today it is one of the most effective channels for tech recruiting. But how to use it? How to find relevant channels? How to attract candidates? Or maybe there are cool life hacks for using Telegram?

If you don't know the answers to these questions, but at the same time feel that Telegram can be a good aid for your work - great! In this article, we've prepared a step-by-step guide that will allow you to make maximum use of Telegram.

It's only part of the story: as a bonus, we've prepared our own selection of Telegram channels for IT recruiting. Find it inside the article.

Enjoy reading :)

Why Do You Need to Use
a Telegram Channel?

This is an Unofficial Community of IT Professionals

Over the past few years, Telegram has become an unofficial place for developers' communication. Ease of use, rate of information transfer, a huge number of thematic channels - these are just some of the reasons for registering in the messenger. It turns out that the service has become a new-generation forum of IT specialists, and today it is also a comfortable place for a job finding.
Neglecting such a powerful recruiting tool is the same as losing a lot of relevant candidates.

Response Guarantee

In addition, if specialists often don't respond to your email and can delete it without knowing about your exclusive offer, then in Telegram they'll most likely open your message. According to Lucky Hunter, more than 90% of candidates respond to recruiters' messages regardless of interest in the offer.

Your Offer Won't Get Lost Among Other Openings

Telegram is also a great solution because of the fact that, unlike emails, your offer won't get lost among hundreds of others.

Life Hack

Telegram works great in tandem with emails. Send your email and if you don't receive an answer, feel free to use Telegram and inform the candidate that you've sent an email, but, alas, haven't received an answer. Most often, a candidate will find your letter among many others, read it and, thus, you will grab the attention of your IT talent. According to Lucky Hunter statistics, this practice works in 99% of cases.

Where to Search for Tech Specialists

Let's say we convinced you that Telegram is a fairly powerful tool for IT recruiting. But how to use it? Okay, you've registered in the messenger, and then what?

Join thematic channels. There are many of them, suited to every fancy. You can find suitable channels in special catalogues. For example, here. Or here (Attention: these websites available only in Russian). Don't forget that inside our article you'll find our own selection of channels for tech recruiting. This isn't advertising (which is a pity, we would be well paid then), these are the channels that we use every day in our work.

How to Use Channels

Each channel dictates its own rules. You can read them only after you've joined the channel. We also warn you that most channels charge a fee for posting an opening (which is logical).

Life Hack

Try to keep it short. Telegram doesn't have severe restrictions on the length of the text (up to 4096 characters, which is quite a lot), but the candidates most likely won't read your longread. The rules for filling out a job opening don't differ from the structure of vacancies that you send by mail.

In addition, you can independently search and select candidates, send them job offers via private messages. You can write to everyone in the chat, which, of course, isn't quite logical, or you can find candidates who are open to new offers. This can be done by search within the chat, such as "searching for a job", "looking for a job", etc.

After you've selected candidates, don't rush to send them messages. Try to find information about them on the Internet: study their accounts on social networks, CVs, projects on GitHub. Make sure the candidate has the right skills.

Life Hack

Telegram has a delayed posting of messages. Hold the "send" button and select the "schedule a message" option. Thus, you can write letters at a suitable time for the candidate. Most often, these are morning and evening hours.

Where to Find a Specific Person's Telegram Address

Let's assume, you found a cool candidate's CV on LinkedIn or a specialist's GitHub account, but decided to contact a candidate via Telegram. You can find their address in two ways.
  • 1
    Search for information on the Internet and social media networks, use the brute-force search, try to enter the specialist's mail nickname into the Telegram search. In general, through difficulties to the stars. This way isn't among the simple ones, and it doesn't always work.
  • 2
    Register in the CVHub service. Almost all CVs of specialists added to the service are accompanied by the candidate's telegram address. Give it a try, the platform is designed for easy and effective tech recruiting. At the moment, the service has over 100,000 CVs of specialists. ( Attention: the service is available only in Russian)

List of Channels

Hope we've simplified your task :) As promised, we provide our own selection of Telegram channels. If you don't speak Russian, you can post an opening in English, but you'll need a translator understand the specifics of each channel.

We wish you a pleasant search :) And if you decide to contact qualified IT recruiters, we are waiting for your requests at Lucky Hunter!

Polina Barabanova
Content Manager in Lucky Hunter
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